Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 13 Elijah and the Prophets of Baal

This is one of my personal favorite stories in the Bible.

  • Roast (can be whatever you like...we did a pork loin roast...I know it's not authentic...Elijah would have never used it) for the offering (2013...I am going to make a BBQ pork...)

  • Gravy (for the water) (2013 BBQ sauce.  Kraft Original, because we have some who think anything else is too spicy.)

  • Long greenbeans (look like wet wood)

  • Stuffing (for the muddy ground) (2013...going to make spoon bread instead of stuffing...I think...just for a change)

  • Haystacks (looks like a pile of wood)  These are Darth's total favorite...he thinks he would eat them every day.  Several times he has told me that many of the Bible stories have to do with wood and we could have them more often.  I do not halve this recipe...he will eat them until they are gone.
Here is the story of Elijah and the Prophets of Baal (2011 addition-audio Bible www.bible.is/ENGESV/1Kgs/18 )

The ornament is a homemade altar with wood on it.

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